Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Blog Series Post: My Medications

Author: Me

I take medicine every single day that would put most people on the ground, but it actually helps me to stay upright.  I have been stable on these specific meds for about 4 years now, and it is a major blessing.  These meds make my moods stable, help me not have so many racing thoughts, and help me to not have overwhelming, debilitating anxiety.  These are the meds I take every day.

The 3 blue pills are my anti-psychotic/ mood stabilizer.  I have never been psychotic, but these pills are good for helping people with Bipolar to control our moods.  I take these pills every night before bed.  The big white pill is another mood stabilizer. I also take this every night before bed.  The half yellow pill is an anti-anxiety med and I am proud to say that I take the lowest possible dose!  I also take that every night before bed.  The two pink pills are my anti-depressant.  I take these in the morning and they obviously help with my depression.

I am very thankful for medications that help.  They are quite strong, as all psychiatric meds tend to be, and most psych meds have side effects.  I am lucky that I do not have side effects with these meds.  They work very well with my body, and if I forget to take them (which I only do about once a year by accident), I will not sleep at all that night, and I will be very sick.  I have learned to ALWAYS take my meds because they help me and if I don't, I will get sick.

I have been stable on this "cocktail" of meds for 4 years, and I am very thankful for them!  They are literally life-saving meds that help me to not be suicidal, too.  They keep me living.

1 comment:

  1. What a terrifically open post! I also find taking psychiatric medication to be essential for me to stay as well as possible. My doctor and I have tried to discontinue and/or decrease some meds, but we have found that -- without them, I begin to feel very bad. For me, a small "price" to pay to keep relatively stable. I am so glad your combination and dosages of meds work well for you. Sleeping regularly is so entirely important to health. I love that you photographed your meds, with commentaries. I am so proud of you, Megan. Carry forth, dude!
