Sunday, April 19, 2015

Do you exemplify strength, character and courage?

Hi Everyone,
Yesterday, I saw this incredible video ( about this inspiring young man (it is quite long, but well worth the watch).  In the beginning of the video, the presenter talks about the boy's strength, character, and courage and it got me thinking.  I am posting this because I know that there are people with mental illness who have so much strength, character, and courage!  I would love to hear your story and share it with others ☺️. Do you know a person (your child, loved one, yourself, or anyone you know) who exemplifies these qualities when dealing with their mental illness on a daily basis?  Please share this to everyone and anyone you know...the more stories, the better!  Please send me your story of strength, character, and courage, as I would be honored to share it on my page (  To share your, or a loved one's, story, please go to my facebook page and send me a personal message. I will share the story to let others see that people with mental illness are amazing people!  Thank you from the bottom of my heart 💜
Megan ☺️

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