I'll start with the things that helped me get to where I am today. First and foremost, getting a therapist was the best thing I ever did for my wellness. I started seeing Janet in August of 2007 and she was exactly what I needed and continue to need (although she is retiring soon and that upsets me). I used to see her every week and we would talk about everything, but mostly my family and how I could get out from under them.
Another great thing that happened is that I met my wife in December of 2007 and all I can say is that she has always been there for me and loved me unconditionally. She has been through so much with me, but her love is steadfast and I'm forever grateful for her. I was going through a lot when we met, but she and my therapist talked everything through with me and have helped me so much I can't even explain.
In August of 2009, about 4 months before Stace and I got married, I made the hard (yet somehow one of the easiest too) decision to stop communication with my mother and her family. I would say that it was the best decision I have ever made for myself. I was just done with everything and I knew that I could never really heal if I kept talking with them, so I ended it. (A few years ago, I began emailing my mother and that has been going well).
In 2011, after trying to work for so many years, both part-time and full-time, I decided that it just put way too much stress on me and so I no longer work. I realize that not everyone can do this, but I am lucky that my wife has a good job and it all worked out. I am a happy housewife, and I love taking care of our boys, doing the laundry, dishes, cleaning, doing the grocery shopping, and running errands. It might not seem like a lot to those of you who work AND do all of those things, but I assure you that it's a lot for me and it lets me go at my own pace, which I love.
Adopting Max in October of 2009 and rescuing his brother, Oliver in 2012 were also the best decisions that Stace and I ever made. They are certified as my Emotional Support Animals (not the same as service dogs) and they provide the love and support that I need. They are wonderful companions and I love them with all my heart.
I started seeing a psychiatrist regularly about 8 years ago, and although I changed practitioners about 4 years ago, the medications that I am stable on have been a God-send.
Now onto the things I do that keep me doing well and help me to get better every day. I started running in 2012 and it has been awesome! I've participated in races, I have 10 medals, and I have felt like a superstar everytime I cross the finish line. I have been struggling with getting to the gym lately, but I know that when I can go, I always feel better. The release of the endorphins and serotonin really helps me feel better about myself and everything in my life.
In August of 2013, I began working very part-time as an In Our Own Voice presenter with NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness). During these presentations, I tell my story and talk about how I live well with mental illness. It gives me self-confidence and I absolutely love what I am doing!
Starting in 2013, I go on a 10-day meditation retreat every year. I haven't made it through all 10 days, but these retreats have helped me immensely with calming down my thoughts and stopping my mind from racing so much.
Some other "little" things I do are to get enough sleep (I need a lot, much more than most people) and only do things during the day and not stay out late at night. I also rarely go to places that have bright lights or loud music, as that can send me into hypo-mania.
I know this was long, but I hope it helps someone out there to get the help they need!